Jumpstart your healing journey with therapy, education, and group support.

Online and In-person Individual Therapy; Virtual Webinars and Workshops in Texas.

Barely keeping your head above water.

Another week of feeling maxed out and pulled in a million directions, and that doesn’t even include the inner stuff you’re trying to fend off. 

Not having one of your parents around as a kid really did a number on you. Trying to move past what they did weighs heavy, and those parent wounds cut deep. 

Cue the people-pleasing and codependency chaos. And if that's not enough, there's always the constant self-criticism, making it uncomfortable for the people who care about you.

It's all coming together now.

The outcome you've been striving for? It's finally here. Everything you set out to work on... it's all happening.

You're learning to let go of those thoughts that hold you back and shedding the weight of the past that kept you stuck.

Being kinder to yourself is becoming second nature, and your actions are aligning with your beliefs.

Those old, unproductive habits? They're fading away with every session.

I see the human in you…

And I'm all in—no empty words here. I'm committed, heart and soul.

In moments when you're feeling full of self-doubt and struggling to believe in the positive truths, we’ll work through it together.

Our meet-ups are about more than just dealing with trauma and clearing up confusion. It’s also digging deep, finding that inner strength, and owning it so you can live confidently and courageously.

The time we spend together whether it’s in a therapy session, webinar, or workshop will be anything but boring.

Ways that we can work together:

  • Individual Therapy for Deep Healing

    You've carried your share of burdens; let healing be a lighter load from now on.

  • Therapist Search Made Easy

    On friendly terms with scrolling and the therapy search? Donezo! Found the ultimate healing guru and therapist.

  • Growth and Healing for Therapists

    Your new favorite community for a well-deserved breather from being everyone’s go-to shoulder to lean on. Side effects include practicing what we preach and seeing your own individual therapist who understands the dynamics of mental health professionals.

Meet the Clinician:

Hi, I’m Tania! 

I'm the down-to-earth therapist, rooting for you! My approach is direct, diving deep, touching the soul, and cooking up some serious healing mojo— that's my specialty!

Let’s bond over the shared struggle of folding fitted sheets – seriously, those elastic corners seem to defy all logic!
I'm here to create a meaningful connection with you.

This feels like the start of something wonderful!