Therapist Search Made Easy

 Virtual Webinars from Anywhere in Texas

“Don’t waste your time spinning circles - find the right therapist in half the time.”

~Tania D. Perez, MA, LPC

WTF is with all the acronyms?!

I know, right? It's like everyone's speaking in code. And then you're over here just trying to figure out if your stuff needs therapy. 

Really wishing for a magic checklist (that you know doesn’t exist)?

Plug in the problem, confirm it's therapy-worthy, and voilà!

Get a list of top therapists matched to your needs, along with a therapy type that will be most helpful for you. Waste no more time healing and feeling better.

Saving you a sh*t ton of time and money.

These days your life has way more ease. One webinar changed the entire therapy process for you. Did that just happen?! 

Blown away by the changes since that event. 

You’ve been in therapy for a year, you’ve got the most phenomenal therapist imaginable! Instant connection, followed by this overwhelming wave of relief that just washed over you.

Permission to pick my brain.

I've seen too many good-hearted people like you struggle with the ins and outs of therapy. When deep down, all you want is to find the right person who can help you heal. 

That's why I'm here. I want to make the whole process less confusing, give you the facts, and make taking that next step a piece of cake.

Every bit of insight I have as a therapist is yours for the taking. Let's turn finding that perfect therapist into a reality for you!

Who will benefit most from this webinar:

  • If you're considering trying therapy

  • Unsure about your next steps

  • Seeking ideas on what to look for in a therapist

  • Need guidance on which type of therapy could be most helpful

  • Want a basic understanding before starting to feel less confused

  • Tips on what questions to ask potential therapists you're considering working with.

Topics we’ll cover:

  • Differences in the types of mental health professionals (counselors, social workers, and psychologists).

  • Breakdown of different licenses, like Licensed Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists, and how each one plays a role in supporting you.

  • Go over the reasons you think you need therapy.

  • Professional advice on finding the right therapy specialty for your needs.

  • Support in knowing what to look for in a therapy experience and choosing your therapist.

Are you open to this? If, so let’s go!